Adopt A Refugee Family & Help Iraq will have a booth at the event below is the schedule for the event

Hosted by: St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Catholic Diocese-USA

Southfield, MI (July 2015) — On Saturday July 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. a series of speakers and panelist will discuss the plight of Christianity in the Middle East at the 2nd International Symposium hosted by the St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Catholic Diocese of the U.S.A.

“So much has transpired in the last few years since the first symposium,” said Bishop Francis Kalabat of the Eastern United States. “We need to bring awareness and find solutions as lives in the Middle East continue to be at risk.”

World-Renowned experts in religious liberties will tackle the issue of Christianity in the Middle East at the Symposium. Speaking about the current situation of Christians in the Middle East, His Beatitude mar Louis Rachael Sako, Chaldean Patriarch of Babylon, Iraq will talk via Skype.

The Event Program Includes:

Christianity in the Middle East: ancient, yet ever new II

Friday July 17th:

6:00 PM      Evening Prayer: “St Sharbel Ramsho” at

                                             St. Rafqa Maronite Church in Livonia

                 Officiated by Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun President, Noursat-USA

8:00 PM      Benefit Dinner at Farmington Hills Manor in Farmington Hills

                      National Anthem by:

                      Opening Remarks: Bishop  Francis Kalabat

                                                 Bishop of St. Thomas the Apostle

                                                 Chaldean Diocese

                      Keynote Speaker: Honorable Dave Trott

                                                   Congressman, Michigan District 11

                      Invocation: Chore Bishop Sharbel Maroon

                      Hymns and traditional songs: Vocalist Doris Farhat


Saturday July 18th:

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM        Divine Liturgy at the Hilton Hotel

                                   Officiated by Bishop Abdallah Zaida

                                   Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon,

                                   Los Angeles

9:45 AM – 4:00 PM        Eucharistic Adoration

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM     Opening Prayer & Tribute to the Martyrs:

                                   Fr. Matthew Zatouna

                                   Parochial Vicar, Holy Martyrs Chaldean Church,

                                   Sterling Hts.

                                     Welcoming Remarks: Bishop Francis Kalabat

                                   Bishop of St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Diocese

10:15 AM – 12:00 PM     “What is happening to the Christians in the            

                                       Middle East”


10:15 AM – 11:00 AM     Video or Skype presentation

                                   Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako

                                   Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon, Iraq

                                   introduced by Dr. Bassam Razzik


                                     Video or Skype presentation,

                                   “EPIC- And The Current Challenges”

                                     Fr. Douglas Bazi, Erbil, Iraq

                                   Saad Salloum, “Minorities And Their Existence In                 

                                   The Middle East”

                          Editor in Chief of Masarat magazine


11:00 PM – 11:30 PM     Dr. Gregory Stanton 

                                     President, Genocide Watch


11:30 PM – 12:00 PM     Jacques Kallassy 

                                   CEO, Tele Lumiere, Lebanon  



12:00 PM – 1:30 PM       LUNCH BREAK





1:30 PM – 4:30 PM         “How can we help”


1:30 PM – 2:00 PM         Basil Bacall, “Rescue Mission”

                                      Chairman, Adopt-A-Refugee Family


2:00 PM – 2:30 PM         Professor Robert Destro

                                      Director of the

                                    Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion,

                                    The Catholic University of America.

2:30 PM – 3:00 PM         Dr. Edmund Gharib,

   Professor of Middle East History, American University,

   Washington, DC

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM          Panel Discussion                                           

                                      Moderator: Vanessa Denha Garmo

(I think we need their titles I had Raymond Nader put them but Dr. Rizzik removed them)

                                    Kirsten Evans

                                    Bishop Gregory Mansour

                                    Bishop Francis Kalabat

6:30 PM – 7:30 PM          Evening prayer service

                                     St Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church

                                     Officiated by Fr. George Shalhoub

                                       Tour of the Basilica by Fr. George Shalhoub

7:30 PM – 9:0 PM            Dinner for guests

Sunday, July 19:

10 AM – 10:45 AM           Presentations  by the  Sponsoring Organizations

10:45 AM – 11 AM           Final Remarks and Press Release                                

12:00 PM                       Mass at Mother of God Cathedral

                                    Officiated by Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim

1:30 PM – 3:00PM           Lunch at the Chancery

3:00 PM                         Adjourn